
Bullsh*t, images and the ramblings of a madman.


I've always consider myself to be a George kind of guy and in this particular excerpt from 'The Abstinence' episode I find myself connecting with him on a whole new level.

No, no, no. Just lately I've been thinking a lot
clearer.  Like this afternoon, (to Jeopardy on TV) 
What is Chicken Kiev,(to Jerry) I really enjoyed
watching a documentary with Louise.  

Louise! That's what doing it. Your no longer
pre-occupied with sex, so your mind is able to focus.  

You think?

Jerry's conclusion doesn't just nail it on the head (no pun intended) with why George has suddenly blossomed, he nails it on the head for every red blooded adult male.  Basically, Sex stunts our focus ... it stops it dead cold. 

I in particular suffer from loosing focus from time to time and by having a 'moment' to look forward to, on a predetermined night helps me focus like a laser beam all week.  Sunday is set in stone, so there's no need to negotiate.  Which provides me a goal to strive towards - like a dog being rewarded with a bone (pun intended). 

So, I just wanted to take this opportunity to give a special shoutout (especially since it's International Women's Day) to all the ladies that keep it to a tidy once, with a chance of two, a week.  Louise even if it was mononucleosis the world economies still thank you.


Here's an excerpt of from an article entitled "The Church of Comedy" by David Dobkin - probably the best words I've read about comedy directing.  


When you get to the edit and watch your assembly, you will want to cry. Almost nothing works. That’s because it’s not a movie yet. It’s an assembly. And the process you go through between that moment and a finished film is where you find out what you really have: the magic you’ve captured, and the magic you’ve missed."

I full heartily agree with David and can attest that it's exactly how I've felt at every rough cut viewing.  You feel that cold hard lump form in your throat as you watch your image for the first  time together - the lump repeatedly says 'this will never work', but yet you still persist.  And once the process is all finished you see the method in your madness and there's something in-front of you that, if nothing else, you learned from.

Jokes are not the most important element in a comedy ... characters are.
— Steve Kaplan
Jonas McQuigginComment
My favourite things in life don’t cost any money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.
— STEVE JOBS [via Tikker Watch]