
Bullsh*t, images and the ramblings of a madman.

Posts tagged Viral

Well it's official ... everything on the internet is fake [yes I'm only just working this out now].

I just started watching Season One of 'Nathan For You' - a seriously amazing series recommendation from Riley Madincea [that ridiculous human next to Dolly in Zipcar].  It might sound overly simplified, but the show can be easily summarised as a hilarious blend of gut-wrenchingly awkward performance comedy from Nathan Fielder and slathering of reality ... I'm not sure LA is reality anywhere other than in LA, but regardless it works. 

What the show does more than anything is provide an insight into how dumb and/or gullible people really are.  You could argue that most of the concepts hinge on the fact that it's people's livelihoods at stake so they do anything to make them more successful or at least marginally better.  I sniff a waft of greed and TV cameras ... me like it.

Episode 2 is where the show went next level for me ... to be perfectly honest it was actually the poo flavoured yoghurt ice cream of episode 1, but that's a different article all together.  Back to episode 2, in which Nathan devises a plan for a small petting zoo to drum up more business ... he's giving, as he puts it, her very own 'Shamu'.  The owner obliges.

Enter a baby goat, a pig named 'Vince' and a SW500 Magnum wielding Santa and about 9,488,354 suckers.


Until the next goat in the water.



For a brief second I'm going to imagine how the initial phone call between the agency and Van Damme's Agent played out.  Here it is ... please note the dialogue will be forcibly on-the-nose.


The phone rings.

Hello, Van Damme's agent speaking.

He reclines back in his chair and plays with a stress ball. He listens to the murmurs of a pitch.

Yaah ... yaah he has been. 

He continues listening.

AGENT: Mmhhh ... interesting. Can I put you on hold?

He covers the phone and swivels to face a denim-clad Van Damme who's busy eating a bucket of moules et frites.

These agency guys want to book you on
an ad where you're doing the splits between
two trucks and driving in reverse on an airfield
in the desert. You in? 

Van Damme slurps a portion of the white wine broth from the shell of a mussel.

Only if it’s at sunset.

He swivels back and removes his hand from the phone.

Okay. Let's do this, but it has to be at sunset ...

And ... and it needs to be set to 'Only Time' by Enya.

... and it needs to be set to 'Only Time' by Enya.
[Long Pause] Yes, I'm sure.

He nods his head repeatedly.

Uh Huh. Yup. [Pause] Great.

He turns to Van Damme and gives him an air baseball swing as if to insinuate he's just hit a home run.

Alright. Speak soon. ...Yeah, yeah. Bye.

He hangs up the phone and excitedly swivels his chair around several times, landing to face Van Damme.

What can I say? The people love you!
You got the gig. They should start calling you
the 'Comeback Kid of Advertising'.

Van Damme stuffs a handful of frites in his mouth.

You're not the one trivialising your career in front
of the world for money.

What was that? Anyway, let's celebrate bitches!


UPDATE: I'm not to far off ... see here.

UPDATE 2: Interesting BTS with FX GUIDE ... see here.